Nicholas Walstrom @NAveryW

Age 34, Male

Student, sometimes.

Texas or something

Joined on 5/20/05

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I Made My First Console Game! Pig Perambulator for Atari 2600!

Posted by NAveryW - February 20th, 2009

For the Atari 2600! I was going to make this game in Flash and make it as close a facsimile of an Atari 2600 game as I possibly could, but then discovered that, since 2006, you no longer have to write 2600 homebrew in assembly code (making the 2600 often considered the most challenging system to code for). With batari Basic, it was almost as easy to make this an actual Atari 2600 game as it would have been to make it in Flash.

So, what is this game? I call it Pig Perambulator. You play as Nicholas from Enthalpy as he tries to perambulate, but his archenemy Piggly Oink (Visit http://projectenthalpy.com/piggly.png to see what he looks like in Enthalpy) is constantly firing missiles at him that he has to avoid. Also, there's this yellow thing bouncing around, too. I'm not sure what it is, but he'd better avoid that, too. To score, touch the left side of the screen, then the right, then the left, then the right, and so on. As your score gets higher, the game gets faster.

If you have Java installed, you can play the game online at http://projectenthalpy.com/perambulato r.html using the embedded jStella emulator. Use the spacebar to start and the arrow keys to move left and right. If you'd prefer to download it to play on the emulator of your choice (or, if you have the necessary tools, play it on an actual Atari 2600), you can get the ROM from http://projectenthalpy.com/pera2.bin .

I don't *quite* consider the game finished, since I want to have the speed increase more gradually instead of having it suddenly double in speed once you get eleven points, then triple if you ever get twenty. However, I could only get the speed to work with integers (the speed actually increases by fractions in the code, but doesn't affect the gameplay until an integer is reached). I hope to eventually get that fixed. Also, if I can be bothered to, I'll probably add some music to the title screen. As it is, though, it's a fully functional game that can be considered complete.

If you have any suggestions or criticisms, please let me know. Also, how fun is it compared to the average commercially released 2600 game? What's your highest score?

Also, you know what would be even better than an Atari 2600 emulator in Java? An Atari 2600 emulator in Flash. I'm sure it's possible with Alchemy, but nobody's made/ported one yet. I'd try to port an emulator to Flash myself, but I just haven't been able to get Alchemy to work no matter what I do.


Pretty darn good for what it is. I like to see your char represented in there especially.

Atari 2600? that things twice my age

That's some evil pork product.

I kept an open mind while I played this...and I gotta say, its actually alright...

If only it could be on the NG front page :O

Even if it were converted to Flash via Alchemy, its simplicity would surely set its destiny to blammination.

Oh im playin that right now!

Haha even having Nicholas on there doesnt help me like it more since his back is turned. But its okay