terrible controls man, also the 'you dieee' sound is very annoying. congrats on making a 3d game but overall execution is pretty poor. oh and it runs good but i have a gtx 670.. guys with integrated intel chips should test it. my nokia 5800 was pushing a bit better gfx in bounce so maybe it'll run well;)
Well, the controls are utterly dreadful, to be honest. The camera is awkward and difficult to use, and the physics leave a lot to be desired (for example, the lack of ability to jump while pressing forwards, making any actual leaping very very difficult). I had no problems with the frame rate, but I won't be playing this unless the core mechanics are addressed.
You're supposed to be able to jump while running but it doesn't work in certain browsers on certain computers and it's not consistent in regards to which. I'm not sure if this is a problem with Flash or something I did wrong that I can't determine.
Do you feel the camera is awkward in both modes (switch with Z), or just the default one?